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My Account


Primary Contact


Please provide your contact details. You will be considered the primary contact person for all communication from 3daysofdesign.

Your contact information
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Billing Details


Please provide the contact details for your billing representative. This individual will be our primary point of contact for all invoice and payment-related matters, ensuring smooth and efficient financial transactions between our organizations.

Billing Responsible
Billing Responsible
Billing Email
Billing Address
Billing Company
Billing VAT / CVR
Billing Address
Billing City
Postal Code
Billing Country
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Additional Contacts

Please provide the contact details for both your press and showroom representatives. The press contact will handle media inquiries, while the showroom contact oversees product displays and visitor interactions. This ensures we communicate effectively with the right persons in your organization.

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Please provide the contact details for your showroom representative.
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How can we help?
Account & Login
Press Material
Uploading images
Techical support
If you experience technical issues when submitting information to us, please get in touch by submitting your issue through our support form.
Submit issue
Get in touch.
If you have any questions pertaining to you registration or plan, you can reach out to us by clicking the link below.
Get in touch
Give us a call
General inquiries
+45 5387 0818